
ZF010023 - Cardboard magazine pusher upgrade

Machines: WP

Benefits: Efficiency increase - Technology update

The upgrade consists in the whole substitution of the cardboard magazine pressure group.
This is part of a series of new solutions studied by SMI in order to upgrade to the latest version all the machines already installed on site.

The new series of pushers are equipped with bigger cylinders that allow to have a constant pressure on the stacked cardboard , thus improving the picking by the rubber wheel at the beginning of the cardboard climb.

The new pusher group is supplied together with a new POSYC(HMI) and a new MARTS (PLC) equipped with a new software interface revised both in the graphics layout and in some of the process routines.

It is recommended to integrate this upgrade with the upgrade ZF010024, if it is not already present on the machine, in order to optimize the intervention time for assembling the new solutions.

If not specified, this offer does not include installation and commissioning of the group.
Machine database to be supplied, in order to allow the software upgrade without loosing the formats customization.

Minimum requirements:
The feasibility of the upgrade has to be checked by SMI technical department


- Enhanced cardboard feeding;
- Enhanced blank picking.


SMI S.p.A.

Spare Parts Department

Spare Parts Department
