Discharge and accumulation table

DAT series

DAT 6/10 - Discharge and accumulation table

DAT series is composed of discharge and accumulation table conveyors, able to preserve the quality of containers during their handling and ensure the functioning of the line.
The length and number of lanes can vary depending on the customer's requirements. The currently available models are:

  • DAT 6/6: 6-meter accumulation system/6 lanes
  • DAT 6/10: 6-meter accumulation system/10 lanes
  • DAT 10/6: 10-meter accumulation system/6 lanes
  • DAT 10/10: 10-meter accumulation system/ 10 lanes

Made up of a product cadencing system, a loading conveyor belt at the infeed, an accumulation table and a discharge conveyor belt at the outfeed, the functioning of the DAT consists of the following phases:

  • at the infeed the product arrives on the conveyor belt on single lane thanks to a cadencing device.
    The infeed conveyor is equipped with a 90° translation system that accompanies the product towards the accumulation table. The translation system is made up of a pair of belts with a modular chain and rubberized surface to protect the container.

  • in the central part, the accumulation table functions as a multi-way belt made up of several lanes side by side.
    The products are fed to the accumulation table one lane at a time. In the event of a downstream stoppage, a first batch of containers enters the accumulation table to complete the first lane of the belt, followed by the other lots occupying the remaining lanes.

  • the outfeed product unloading conveyor belt receives the containers from the accumulation table and, without any stoppage, sends them to the single-lane belt and the packaging line.